[2009] Magic Studio - Mysterious Galaxy (Version 1)

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Librina Russia
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[2009] Magic Studio - Mysterious Galaxy (Version 1)

Post by Librina »

Magic Studio - MG (2009).jpg
Magic Studio - MG (2009).jpg (39.02 KiB) Viewed 367 times

Type: Album
Country: Russia
Year of Release: 2009
Number: none (Super Magic Records)
Duration: 31:57

01. Part 1
02. Part 2
03. Part 3
04. Part 4
05. Part 5
06. Silence (Synthdance Version)
07. Robot Love (2008)

Magic Studio - Mysterious Galaxy (List).jpg

Extra Information:
This is the first version of the album. The second was released in 2010:
"I once recorded a space album using the Soviet "Electronica EM04" synthesizer, as people say, simply and with a taste. It's time to show it to you! As Andrei Klimkovsky said, "listening to this without anesthesia is very problematic". Sincerely, Anton!"
🚀 Glory, Glory, SpaceSynth! 💙

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