I did an interview for Space Dance Radio, here you can read the transcript of the interview.
A link to the interview from Radio Italo Disco Net Youtube-channel is provided below.
Interviewer: Alan Makaronov
1. How would you describe Spacesynth style to someone who never heard of it?
I would say that it is a mix between Italo disco and more modern trance maybe.. It is an instrumental and very melodic version of Italo disco, with driving basslines and heavy Linndrum beats.
2. Why did u choose to create this type of music?
When I was young I listened to some illegal radio stations in the Netherlands (Radio Stad Den Haag was one of them). They played all the nice music that wasn’t played on the normal radio stations. And so they also played lots of import music from Hotsound Records, a small music shop in Rotterdam. Erik van Vliet was the owner of Hotsound Records, and he also was the executive producer of Laserdance, and of course the radio stations loved to play this new and exotic style of music they made!
In the nineties I made house music, but I stopped making music when I got my first house and daytime job. About ten years ago (after changing jobs) I had more free time on my hands and decided to make music again. And so I choose to make the music of my youth.
3. How did u choose name for your space project Neospace?
People already knew me as Chris van Buren of course, but as I learned to make better Spacesynth music, I wanted people to know that the project had changed into a new and better style. It is Spacesynth music but new, and NEO means new in Latin, so NEW SPACE MUSIC resulted in Neospace.
4. What are your future plans for this music and music in general?
My new Neospace album "Flying to the Stars" will be released in February and so I hope the Spacesynth fans will like it again. I don’t really know what comes next yet, but I like to produce music in the spirit of different artists. I have made music for Syntech and also for the new Powermachine project by Erik van Vliet, so maybe I will produce music for other renewed Spacesynth projects as well.
I would also have loved to participate in the Koto - "Return of the Dragon" project, but unfortunately I didn’t got asked for that.
5. What do you use of hardware and software for creating music and why?
Well I use an Apple iMac computer with Logic Pro X, and I love to use old synthesizers. Together with Anton Eriksson (Spacehawk) we always try to find the sounds that were used in the old Spacesynth productions from the nineties. We look into old interviews and articles, and study pictures from the old studios that the old producers used. And then we try to find the same synthesizers as they used.
Sometimes I am lucky and find it for cheap, or sometimes I buy a broken one and repair it myself. Lots of guys produce music with only a computer nowadays, and although it is perfectly possible to do that, I find lots of inspiration in old hardware synthesizers and I need them to get the old analog sound we all love. There is a list of the gear I use on my website for the people who are interested in the exact brands and models I own.
6. What are your opinion on new generation Spacesynth and do you have favorite space projects?
I think it is very nice that new artists still choose to make this music. I love this music-style and I am pleased that new producers keep the music alive. Michiel van der Kuy is also making new music again, so of course he is my favorite artist. I have been in his studio and we talk quite often, so yeah…Other new music projects I like are Spacehawk by Anton Eriksson, Cosmix by Corbyn Lowers, and from the last Space Holidays compilation I liked Mind Vision, Asteryon and Cyberman very much.
7. For the end do u like science fiction movies and what are your favourites?
Oh yes, I like science fiction movies very much. The old movies like Terminator, Oblivion, The Abyss and The Matrix are my favorites. But I also like some new series on Netflix like Lost in Space and Salvation. I have never really liked the Star Wars and Star Trek movies though, I am sorry.
Interview Chris van Buren
Re: Interview Chris van Buren
Dear Chris van Buren (NeoSpace)!
I slightly corrected the post with the interview published by you, due to the fact that it was necessary to replace the "broken" link, since it was no longer available. I have inserted here an audio file from the Radio Italo Disco Net Youtube channel (because it is a more reliable source), and now the issue of the show with your participation can be listened to without problems. I hope that you will welcome these "cosmetic" changes and positively evaluate them. Well, as for the program itself, which was released under No. 39, I leave the following feedback:
So, your interview, Chris, turned out to be very informative; you gave exhaustive answers to all the questions of the presenter. I especially liked the way you talked about the style, about why you chose it, about your studio, and, of course, your kind words about my favorite Anton Eriksson. I am very glad that your friendship is so strong that you even organized this website! Thank you so much for it!
Then I turn to your preferences, and among them I really want to highlight such interesting works:
- The Flirts – "Passion". I quite often put this song on my playlists in the mid-2010s, and now, listening to it again, I had fun and even sang along;
- Miko Mission – "How Old Are You" & Silver Pozzoli – "Around My Dream". These tracks also indicate that you have a great taste in music, because they are hits for all time;
- Of course, your truly magnificent creation "Destination Mars" should also be mentioned. It really graced this part of the show, and I enjoyed its sound from the bottom of my heart!
- Well, my ears were also delighted by the compositions Spacehawk – "Cosmotec" & Vocoderion – "Spaceship Driven By A Music Energy" (by the way, this is my most favorite theme performed by Alexandra Koszewska).
In general, I was genuinely pleased with the program, so I decided to write about it in a positive way. I wish its author, you, other representatives of the Spacesynth genre and its big fans to carry the love of this beautiful music through the years! Let new products that can bring a lot of bright emotions, constantly appear on the way, let the style itself develop steadily and let everything be fine! Hurray!
I slightly corrected the post with the interview published by you, due to the fact that it was necessary to replace the "broken" link, since it was no longer available. I have inserted here an audio file from the Radio Italo Disco Net Youtube channel (because it is a more reliable source), and now the issue of the show with your participation can be listened to without problems. I hope that you will welcome these "cosmetic" changes and positively evaluate them. Well, as for the program itself, which was released under No. 39, I leave the following feedback:
So, your interview, Chris, turned out to be very informative; you gave exhaustive answers to all the questions of the presenter. I especially liked the way you talked about the style, about why you chose it, about your studio, and, of course, your kind words about my favorite Anton Eriksson. I am very glad that your friendship is so strong that you even organized this website! Thank you so much for it!

Then I turn to your preferences, and among them I really want to highlight such interesting works:
- The Flirts – "Passion". I quite often put this song on my playlists in the mid-2010s, and now, listening to it again, I had fun and even sang along;
- Miko Mission – "How Old Are You" & Silver Pozzoli – "Around My Dream". These tracks also indicate that you have a great taste in music, because they are hits for all time;

- Of course, your truly magnificent creation "Destination Mars" should also be mentioned. It really graced this part of the show, and I enjoyed its sound from the bottom of my heart!

- Well, my ears were also delighted by the compositions Spacehawk – "Cosmotec" & Vocoderion – "Spaceship Driven By A Music Energy" (by the way, this is my most favorite theme performed by Alexandra Koszewska).
In general, I was genuinely pleased with the program, so I decided to write about it in a positive way. I wish its author, you, other representatives of the Spacesynth genre and its big fans to carry the love of this beautiful music through the years! Let new products that can bring a lot of bright emotions, constantly appear on the way, let the style itself develop steadily and let everything be fine! Hurray!

Re: Interview Chris van Buren
Chris van Buren (Personal page on Facebook - 17 October 2024): "According to ChatGPT this is what I look like nowadays"
Re: Interview Chris van Buren
Koto Tracks - Covers by Chris Van Buren (Playlist)
01. Time (Cover by Chris Van Buren)
02. Dragon's Legend (Cover by Chris Van Buren)
03. Jabdah (Cover by Chris Van Buren)
04. Visitors (Cover by Chris Van Buren)
05. Minoan War (Cover by Chris Van Buren)

01. Time (Cover by Chris Van Buren)
02. Dragon's Legend (Cover by Chris Van Buren)
03. Jabdah (Cover by Chris Van Buren)
04. Visitors (Cover by Chris Van Buren)
05. Minoan War (Cover by Chris Van Buren)
Re: Interview Chris van Buren
What are the sounds you can hear at 4:06, 4:10, 4:14 etc It's a classic sound you hear often in spacesynth but I've never been able to find it. Is it a D-50? or something from the Emulator library?