"Kosmotron" is one of the projects made by Pavel Kuznetsov, a famous composer, arranger, sound engineer, sound designer and SpaceSynth producer from Russia (Miass). The author was born in 1971. He has been writing music since the distant 80s under various art pseudonyms (Laserlight, Lightdance, Skysynth, Xmind). Unfortunately, there is no photo of the composer, because the author did not post it anywhere.
Basically, the author was working more with the Laserlight project and successfully promoted the style to the masses of listeners and fans of the musical genre, as evidenced by his several albums and singles released recently. The project called Kosmotron does not have a very large number of Spacesynth compositions, there are only a few of them, and almost all of them were officially published in the "Space Odyssey" collections from the Spacesynth.ru portal label for different years of issue.
Also, many of Pavel's compositions can be found in other similar style selections on the Internet and they are widely known to listeners of popular music around the world. One of the author's works are the compositions Kosmotron - The Secret Of The Soul and Laserlight - On The Waves Of Memory, which was released on January 1, 2024 year on release "SpaceSynth.Ru presents Special New Year's Voyage 2024" and graced the track list of this super compilation with their presence.
Kosmotron - Odyssey Of The Mind (27.12.2017)
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