The story behind "Laserdance - Humanoid Invasion" by Erik van Vliet (Muzikxpress 142) [15.05.2021]
Description: "Dutchman Erik van Vliet is active in the music scene for a very long time already. During the years he has been a DJ, he did own 2 record shops and several record labels. Erik was the main man behind Hotsound Records, Stealth Records and Haunted House Records for example. Besides that, he was part of many projects such as Low Atomic Style, Space Trax, Techno Grooves and Laserdance. For this episode of Muzikxpress I sat down with Erik, to talk with him about the Laserdance classic “Humanoid Invasion”, a massive Italo / synth pop classic which he did together with Michiel van der Kuy back in the year 1986. But, of course, you will also hear how Erik started his impressive career, which well known DJs and producers used to work in his record store in Rotterdam and last but not least you will hear the story behind the success of the act The Outhere Brothers on Erik's label Stealth Records! Enjoy!"
Interview With Erik van Vliet
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