What Is SpaceSynth

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Librina Russia
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What Is SpaceSynth

Post by Librina »

"SpaceSynth" - instrumental synth music space direction, with a pulsating bassline and catchy synth riffs (recurrent short melodic phrases). The original style of the correct name - "SynthDance". Since the beginning it was only instrumental, synth-dance version of "Italo Disco". But in the end, under the influence of science fiction, space album art and song titles, the style was called "SpaceSynth".

But the "SpaceSynth" as style, originated in the mid 70s. Then there were the well-known performers such as Jean-Michel Jarre, "Space" and others. At the root of "SynthDance" were Italian projects "Cyber People" and "Koto". The project "Cyber People" appeared in 1984 on "Memory Records" under the control of Alessandro Zanni and Stefano Cundari. It released only singles. Complete singles were on vinyl only, except for the single "Polaris", which "ZYX" released on CD. Tracks with A-side comprised in various collections on CD. "Koto" - Italian project, which was organized Anfrando Maiola and Stefano Cundari in the early 80s. Inspired by "Italo Disco", they develop their own style of synthesizer music with pulsating bassline and melody changing parts, and the single "Visitors" released in 1985, became a big hit. On "Koto" influenced by Eastern culture, as evidenced, and the name of the project.
In parallel "Koto", Michiel van der Kuy and Erik van Vliet from Netherlands found project "Laserdance", which has become the most successful in the history of "SynthDance", and later, "SpaceSynth" project. Their debut album "Future Generation" was released in 1987, a circulation of about 150,000 copies. Rob van Eijk also wrote melodies for "Laserdance". However, only Michiel has established standards of this style, as in 1989, "ZYX" bought all rights "Memory Records", including the rights to the name and the music "Koto", and Maiola from Cundari turned to Michiel to re-record and make remixes of the tracks "Koto". Thus was the first album - "Masterpieces", with three new songs by Michiel: "Time", "Minoan War", "Plain". Later, Michiel recorded three more albums "Koto". But Maiola and Cundari have no relations with them. Recently, Anfrando Maiola regained rights to the name "Koto", but the music he now writes, far from the style of "SpaceSynth". Now it is of "Dance" and of "Techno".

In the early 90s "SpaceSynth" started to lose its popularity and almost completely disappeared, but survived thanks to "Hypersound Productions" and "AXIS Records" (Alpha Centauri). Some time later, a new record label, specializing in "SpaceSynth" music, it's - "Audioenergy Music Productions". At the moment, the main publisher of "SpaceSynth" is an independent label "Space Sound Records". But many projects issue their creations in formats Web-release / Self-release.
🚀 Glory, Glory, SpaceSynth! 💙

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Dzod Great Britain
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Re: What Is SpaceSynth

Post by Dzod »

Spacesynth has been around for a long time now. It was never popular in the 80's, 90's, 00's. It has however seen a bit of a resurgence in the 10's and now in the 20's is really gaining in popularity but still a microgenre. A new generation of sypacesynth fans seem to have came out of nowhere and the sound has evolved somewhat. Just look at spaceholidays 13. We had 4 discs of music. The biggest to date. There are more spacesynth producers now than there has ever been (and we all know each other thanks to forums like this one). I think there is a bright future with this genre as long as there are producers to write the music and fans to listen to it. The question is, Do we want the genre to become bigger and more popular? or do we want it to remain a small underground scene with a cult following? What are your thoughts guys?

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